Jr. Duck Stamp Celebrates 15 Years – Something from my past

To celebrate the 15 years of the Jr. Duck Stamp the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently came out with a Jr. Duck Stamp Artists Booklet that features the past Jr. Stamp designs and interviews from some of the artists and myself. Here is a link to the pdf. version – Jr. Duck Stamp Artists Booklet 

It’s wonderful to see the program grow since I entered it. Just to see how collectible these stamps have become over the years. Each stamp is first issued for $5 and now many of them are selling on the secondary market for hundreds.


You can see all 15 of them on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official site – www.fws.gov/juniorduck/JuniorDuckStamps




If you want to buy or see the value of some of the previous stamps here are a few places that you can find them:

Sam Houston Duck Co. 

National Wildlife Galleries