Foreign Media – Art in Europe

Big Ben clock - London England

My family and I were recently contacted by several magazine publications in Britain about our artwork, etc.  Both interviews/articles should be available to the public soon.

Interaction with other countries often makes me think of the uniqueness and similarities of the United States’ art community and market in comparison to other cultures.  How artwork and artists in other countries are accepted (such as Japan, where artists are considered national treasures).  There is such variety.  Often just a brief exposure to artwork of another culture will stir up a little inspiration or creativity.

I have met quite a number of artists from England and other areas of Europe, both on the web and in person.  It is fascinating to see the different approach to painting (or sculpting) and mood expression an artist has based on the influence of where he or she resides.  The spice of life. :D Rebecca Latham | Wildlife Artist

Latham Studios | Wildlife Art