Painting Motion – Hummingbird

This hummingbird piece, more or less, is a reflection on suspension and motion.  On numerous occasions I have found myself in an encounter with these winged gems, while observing my own garden or perhaps visiting an arboretum, flashing their color while they busily dance through on their way.  They are also incredibly curious about their surroundings.

Painting the look of a hummingbird’s buzzing wings was both interesting and challenging.  The contrast of the naturally bold colors of plumage coupled with the blur of action and soft, subtle qualities gave the piece a pleasing balance.  The painting is small, 6″x6″, watercolor on board, “Vibrant Motion”, © Rebecca Latham.

2 Responses to “Painting Motion – Hummingbird”

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  1. Kathy says:

    Rebecca, you have really captured the moment with this hummingbird. wonderful, wonderful.

  2. bob del prete says:

    Beautiful!!! But how did you paint the wings so there was a blur effect? Did you do it with your finger after painting the wings? A fist mashed into it? Thanks … I’m a novice!
    Bob DelPrete