Blue Irises 9×12 in Progress

This is a new painting of blue irises in the beginning stage.  Because of the delicacy of the hues and subtle areas of the petals, this was not started with sepia as I normally do.  Instead, the under painting is worked in with ultramarine and a mixed soft green.

I saw these flowers blooming during a visit to the gardens in the Minnesota Arboretum.  They had such a beautiful display there, in an enormous variety of plants.  Seeing them all together seemed dream like.  I was drawn to painting this set of blossoms in part due to the evening light’s glow of so many varied blues in the petals and reflected light throughout.

Irises in progress, 9″x12″, watercolor on board, ©Rebecca Latham

2 Responses to “Blue Irises 9×12 in Progress”

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  1. Tariq Al-Mutair says:

    This is amazing, do you mind if I draw the same?

  2. Kaplan Step 2 says:

    you and your painting are very nice and pretty .