Fawn Portrait

This is a recently painted little fawn portrait.  When working on the piece, I focused on rendering detail in the fur, yet retaining a softness throughout the piece.  I also wanted to portray her cautious look at the viewer as she carefully stepped through the grass.  Fawn Portrait, 7″x5″, watercolor on board, ©Rebecca Latham

4 Responses to “Fawn Portrait”

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  1. This is such a beautiful painting Rebecca.
    Are there any tips that you could share with us on how you manage to make the fur look so soft and realistic?
    I find your technique fascinating and would love to know your secret!
    Many thanks for sharing this painting with us.

  2. This is such a beautiful painting Rebecca.

  3. Deb Keirce says:

    Masterful Rebecca! I know you work in watercolor, but this piece looks so soft and blended – like an oil painting. Love it!

  4. fifo says:

    Hi Rebecca
    would you mind if i try to draw on of your painting?