New Hyacinth Macaw Miniature Painting

I posted my recent painting of a Hyacinth Macaw on a rainforest branch. I am very fond of exotic birds such as macaws and other parrots. They all have such colorful personalities that are easily captured in a painting. It is also refreshing to use such bright colors since many of my paintings so often require subtle browns, grays, and neutral tones. I have hopes that one day these birds won’t be so threatened by loss of habitat and the pet trade. I don’t think there would be anything more beautiful to see than a flock of wild hyacinth macaws in the rainforest treetops. You can view one of the World Wildlife Fund’s projects to help the Hyacinth Macaw in Brazil @ "Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Thomas A. Edison

One Response to “New Hyacinth Macaw Miniature Painting”

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  1. Krissi says:

    Beautiful artwork! –Krissi