Art Barbarians Gallery Spring Cruise

QuickDrawArtBarbariansCruis.jpgThanks to everyone at Art Barbarians Wildlife Gallery in Rogers, MN ( for their hard work putting together the annual cruise on the Saint Croix River. 

I painted a new 8×10 "quick draw" piece of a Barred Owl from scratch during the 3 hr. cruise (pictured right).  The gallery plans to have an auction or raffle for the painting.  Please contact them if you’re interested in participating!

2 Responses to “Art Barbarians Gallery Spring Cruise”

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  1. Laina says:

    Are you sure those arent pictures you took?

  2. Joseph W. Coates says:

    Dear Rebecca,
    In 2005, I relocated to AZ. and when I had my belongs shipped to me, my pride and joy was lost. I had a White Gryfalcon on a Falconer’s Glove that was painted on a piece of wood that was cut from a very large tree. Do you do any paintings on wood?
    Thank you for your time.
    Joseph Coates