New Wolf Pup Painting

Rebecca's new wolf pup paintingI just finished this new miniature piece of a young gray wolf.  It’s taken me about 2 to 2-1/2 days to finish the painting.  The painting will be available for purchase through our gallery in Jackson Hole, Wyoming — Galleries West Fine Art (








8 Responses to “New Wolf Pup Painting”

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  1. Gracie says:

    Stunning. Its incredibley detailed.

  2. Sarah says:


  3. haylee says:

    cute baby wolf

  4. Rebecca says:

    Thanks! :D I’m glad you liked it.

  5. mike king says:

    its soooooo cuuuuuute

  6. Rebecca says:

    Thanks, Mike. I thought he was just adorable too – that’s why I painted him. :D

  7. Rebecca says:

    wolf are the most

  8. Imogen says:

    I love wolves. That painting is really nice. Whats your favorite animal?