New Miniature Painting Completed

Rebecca Latham's new miniature watercolor painting I just finished a new wolf puppy painting "Bump on a Log".  The little wolf that is featured in the painting had a lot of personality and really enjoyed getting into trouble.  ;)   I tried to capture his mischievous tendencies in the expression of the piece. 

I will have the painting up for the show reception at Galleries West on Friday night. :)  Rebecca Latham | Wildlife Artist



Latham Studios | Wildlife Art

4 Responses to “New Miniature Painting Completed”

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  1. katrina gipson says:

    i was looking on google images and typed in coyote pups and i came a cross this beautiful, fantastic, magnificent drawing. you are really good cause i admire coyotes and wolfs and well i think these drawings are amazing.well i’m 14 and love your is that a real wolf pup your working with?

  2. Rebecca says:

    Hi Katrina,
    Thanks! I’m glad you liked it. :D Yes, that is a ‘real’ wolf puppy.

  3. madison says:

    hi rebecca.

    i’m a young artist that is pretty talented at pencil sketches. i’ve been sketching my entire life (photographs) of family and animals, i’ve experimented with oil paints, and have acrylics, but haven’t touched them. what kind of advice would you give to a young artist that would like to sketch as successfully as you have? i love your work. it’s fantastic.



  4. Rebecca says:

    Hi Madison,

    I think you are on the right track – practice a lot. I decided to be a professional artist when I was in my mid-teens and have been painting, drawing, or studying for new paintings every spare moment since.  It can be a lot of work – but it’s also a lot of fun.

    • Paint (or draw) things or subjects that you like – you will do a better job on them.
    • Find someone that will give you a critique and isn’t afraid to be honest if a piece needs a little help.
    • Find a professional artist in your area that you can show your work to and ask for their comments.
    • Ask lots of questions.
    • Experiment with mediums and find the one that works for you – there’s nothing worse than boring art.
    • Don’t be afraid if a painting (or drawing) is not working out – I had stacks and stacks of paintings that, well, failed.  They were a great learning experience.  They also make nice collages. ;)
    • Have fun.

    If you need any help – drop me a note and I will do what I can. :D