Small Paintings – Finished & Framed

This is how all of those smaller paintings that I’ve been working on turned out – all framed. :D

6 Responses to “Small Paintings – Finished & Framed”

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  1. Peter Labyak says:

    They are absolutely stunning! Could you give the dimensions on paintings, frames, etc…..just curious. Do your own frames or have a framer? Pete

  2. Rebecca says:

    Hi Pete,

    All of the paintings are 5×7 except for the wolf, which is 3×5. The frame moulding width on the wolf miniature is a little over 2-1/2" in width – the others are a little wider. The closed corner frames are ordered in. We used to have our own frameshop, so we still have a lot of the equipment to frame things up – like a computerized mat cutter.

    Thanks for stopping by! :D

  3. Nic says:

    Beautiful paintings! You’ve captured each animals essence so convincingly.


  4. Rebecca says:

    Thank you, Nic. :D

  5. Sally Cronin Cunningham says:

    Wonderfully simple yet elegant frames have really highlighted your lovely works. Please visit our site; online art gallery offering original works by emerging artists. No fee to display, 35% commission on each sale. Join us !