Elk Miniature Watercolor

Here is another new piece that I am working on, a miniature watercolor of an elk - should have finished soon.  You can see that I have a light wash underpainting and have started to work in the darks of the piece.

Here is another new piece that I just started working on yesterday, a miniature watercolor of an elk – should have finished soon.  You can see that I have a light wash underpainting and have started to work in the darks of the piece. Rebecca Latham | Wildlife Artist

Latham Studios | Wildlife Art

4 Responses to “Elk Miniature Watercolor”

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  1. Genry says:

    very nice! Good job.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Thanks Genry! :D It’s still in progress, but I hope it turns out well. :D

  3. Dorothia says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    Your work is beautiful. I am always interested in techniques. I was wondering what type of paper or board you use for your watercolors? Do you work the light colors back in with the opaque watercolors or do you mask out some of the whites ahead of time. I have had a wonderful time browsing your gallery.


  1. […] things to adjust on it, but this bull elk miniature is pretty much completed.  The first post about this piece is here with a basic wash […]