Defensive – Wolf Watercolor Miniature

This is a new miniature I am working on.  This is a 9×12 painting of a wolf – very soft tones in this piece.  I liked the more unusual pose of him, his ears back, makes the piece more unique and helps give a deeper story to the painting with the animal’s behavior (a defensive posture, perhaps a little unsure of his environment).  So far, this piece has progressed very quickly. :D

4 Responses to “Defensive – Wolf Watercolor Miniature”

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  1. LaVerne Hill says:

    I love the wolves posture. Very unique.


  2. Regan says:

    Great Wolf, Very talented indead! You have a great future ahead of you, i just know it! The Face seems so delicate yet so reagal and Strong, Really Great Work! Keep it up!


  3. Rebecca says:

    Thank you LaVerne. :D I appreciate that.

    The wolf was, well, not on good speaking terms with the alpha wolf and had been scolded all day. (…poor little thing…) It was resting but still a bit apprehensive about the situation.

    Thank you, Regan. Very glad that you like it. I thought that it had a lot of things to communicate in the expression.

    I will do my best. :D

    – Rebecca

  4. Judy says:

    Wonderful work. Love this view. I recognize the pose as I had a part wolf malamute. You captured it wonderfully.