Watercolor Portrait – Great Horned Owl In Miniature


Great Horned Owl Watercolor Painting...in miniature

Wildlife Art; Great Horned Owl Watercolor Painting...in miniature


This piece is a portrait of a Great Horned Owl that fades off into the warm brown background.  I haven’t painted a vinyette recently…  I usually try to complete the subject to the edges of the frame. (…something that one of my teachers taught that really stuck. ;) )

For this owl painting I wanted something softer.  This is Sam from the Minnesota Raptor Center – one of their education birds that cannot be released.  She lives at the Raptor Center.  I love watching her.  She always seems to have a regal look about her (regal…with attitude…).

The painting is about 6″ x 6″ and is watercolor painted on board.

8 Responses to “Watercolor Portrait – Great Horned Owl In Miniature”

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  1. amanda m. says:

    wow! These are so detailed I almost thought it was a real photograph. You’re AMAZING!

  2. Patrick says:

    Absolutely fantastic Rebecca!………It’s great to see the realistic way you render all of your subjects. Keep up the good work.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Amanda & Patrick – Thanks! I kind of liked the way this one turned out. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note…

  4. ClanSoul says:

    Your artwork is very beautiful, Rebecca!
    I’m incredibly jealous. In a good way, of course :]

    I’ve only just discovered your art, though, while searching for drypoint artists as part of my printmaking homework for college.
    I really love that wolf I saw in google images!

    I’ll make a note to keep checking back for more.

  5. burhan says:

    u r ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosome rebbecca i was just trying to count the hair of the owl u have a god gift just keep going

  6. kittyanydots says:

    absolutely stunning!

  7. Neetu says:

    Simply great! Hard to tell on one sight that its not real. So descriptive.
    God Bless.