This is the latest painting off of my easel. It is a 4″x6″ painting of a mute swan titled, “Serenade in Blue”. I always find it so stunning to observe the colors reflected in white animals and birds. The way the light plays on the surface is nothing short of magical and always a challenge to capture in paint.
The painting will debute at the Weatherburn Gallery’s invitational holiday miniature show, “It’s A Small World” in Naples, Florida.
Hello, I came across your website by accident – I’mm very impressed – beautifull work. I’m a pro’ artist from Lancashire, England, so I appreciate your skill.
Regards Geoff.
i also came accross your website by accident. your work is so lovely! i’m seventeen; i wish i lived with or near an artist like you, who i could be firends with and learn from. y’see i’ve had a little experience in drawing and painting, but i’m afraid it’ll be a long time before i develop talent that resembles yours. you look so young too!
that new iris you finished is exquisite by the way. i can’t believe myself- i’m getting jealous! well you should be very proud. keep painting ok!
Any chance this is for sale? I'm not really sure the etiquette for art buying but this is amazing.
Thank you
No, sorry. This piece has sold. If you like I can do commissions.
Hi I'm an art student and I made an artwork similar to yours. I'm supposed to compare it with another artist's. Could you maybe tell me what the dimensions are and what media you used? It looks like you used oil but I just want to make sure. Also any note of cultural influence would be great. Thank you :]
I’m an amateur artist good with pencil work but very poor with painting. Looking at your I say I’ve just found myself a mentor.I just wish I could get painting tutorials from you.
Sorry… no, I only have a few articles. :/ I'm afraid I don't have enough time to be involved in everything…