‘Wistful – Timberwolf’ (Progress…)

Wistful - Timberwolf watercolor in progress.  (Miniature, 9x12)

I thought I might load up a progress post of ‘Wistful’ for everyone who would like to take a peek. :D He’s coming along fairly well.

6 Responses to “‘Wistful – Timberwolf’ (Progress…)”

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  1. Philip Möller says:

    "Wistful Timberwolf" are a brilliant , as always …:)

    Can you do Icebear's to, because they are facing extinction and that is so sad.

    • Thank you, Philip! Yes, I have done a painting of a Polar bear (Icebear). It's a smaller one, however… I've thought of doing more paintings of them myself. ..not just because they are threatened, but because they are so beautiful.

  2. Heather Page says:

    Wow, this looks complete to me! It's beautiful!

  3. Lovepreet_B says:

    lovely! I like the choice of colors in this one. ;)