Original Artwork Price List
Paintings prices listed here are base estimates of full color finished watercolor originals and are generally determined by size of the artwork. Graphite or sepia-only works (finished as drawings only) are 50% of the listed full-color prices.
*Note that in the case of specialty framing or especially elaborate or difficult design/detail work in paintings there may be additional charges. Commissioned paintings are considered on a piece by piece basis. Prices are subject to change without notice.
For shipping estimation from the artist (C/O Latham Studios), please see this form https://www.fedex.com/ratefinder/home?cc=be&language=en – shipping from 55033. For work shipped from a venue, please contact that venue.
Please send a message for a specific information and availability concerning individual works and/or sizes not listed here. Pricing is consistent across all venues representing Rebecca’s work.
5in x 7in/6in x 6in $1,025. USD
6in x 8in $1,230. USD
8in x 8in $1,420. USD
8in x 10in $1,850. USD
10in x 10in $2,190. USD
9in x 12in $2,240. USD
12in x 12in $2,895. USD
11in x 14in $3,015. USD
12in x 16in $3,555. USD
14in x 14in $3,605. USD
16in x 20in $5,615. USD
20in x 20in $6,700. USD
18in x 24in $7,205. USD
20in x 24in $7,830. USD
20in x 30in $9,220. USD
24in x 30in $10,500. USD
20in x 40in $11,550. USD
24in x 36in $12,000. USD
30in x 30in $12,250. USD
30in x 36in $13,600. USD
30in x 40in $15,500. USD
40in x 60in $35,000. USD
(listing current as of 4/2016)