Painting Awarded at Cider Painters of America

"Gazing – Asian Leopard"   3 x 3 3/4

I was happy to hear that this painting received the 2007 Cider Painters of America "Animal Award" at their Annual International Miniature Art Exhibition. 🙂  Thanks to CPA for hosting this excellent exhibition! The opening Reception was held on Nov. 11th and the Exhibit runs through Nov. 24th 2007.

4 Responses to “Painting Awarded at Cider Painters of America”

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  1. Balaji says:

    very nice paintings

  2. Bonnie says:

    Thank you 😀

  3. Hi Bonnie……Your works are superb. Keep up the great work.

  4. Bonnie says:

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks! I enjoyed your work on your website as well.

    Merry Christmas!