Mute Swan Painting Nearly Finished

Rebecca's new mute swan watercolor painting (7x9 inches).

I’m nearly finished with my new mute swan painting — just a few little changes. :)  I loved observing this swan one foggy morning a few years ago.  Very inspirational!!

I think I will be sending this piece to one of our upcoming exhibitions.

One Response to “Mute Swan Painting Nearly Finished”

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  1. Dr. Tina Siegel says:

    I am building a new professional office (an Eye Care Center) in Swansboro, NC and the building houses an 8 ft. round window in a tower. I have been looking for pictures that we could possibly have printed on a piece of lexan to go over the window and I just LOVE this one. Is there any way I could purchase a digitalized photo of the finished painting?
    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
    Tina Siegel