Whistle Pik Galleries Miniature Show

Barred Owl on exhibit at Whistle Pik Galleries in Texas

I just found out my painting of this barred owl found a new home during the presale (before the official show opening) at Whistle Pik Galleries’ 10th annual Christmas Miniature Show in Texas.  Some day I would like to visit their show.  I have been a part of their holiday show for a number of years now, but have never actually visited the gallery.  I hear it’s very nice.  :)

Thanks to Whistle Pik for their support and comments!!  We appreciate it!! :)   Rebecca Latham - Nature & Wildlife Artist

Latham Studios Wildlife Art

One Response to “Whistle Pik Galleries Miniature Show”

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  1. kenneth miskimins says:

    your an amazing artist i like to draw and i got into sketching not to long ago i like ur sketches but im not to good at painting so its not that appealing to me but looking at ur sketches helped me come along with some of my own thank you.