Red Fox Kit Miniature – Inital Sketch

 This is a sketch of a young red fox for a new miniature painting I am working on at the moment.  I have quite a few holiday miniature exhibitions coming up that I am preparing for.


 This is a sketch of a young red fox for a new miniature painting I am working on at the moment.  I have quite a few holiday miniature exhibitions coming up that I am preparing for with new pieces. Rebecca Latham | Wildlife Artist


Latham Studios | Wildlife Art 

7 Responses to “Red Fox Kit Miniature – Inital Sketch”

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  1. An says:

    I love that fox drawing!!!
    I am a bit obsessed with foxes, at least that’s what my friends say.
    You are a very good artist though.

    Love, An

  2. Rebecca says:

    Thank you, An. :D

  3. Knux the Fox says:

    Well, An. You’re not the only one obsessed with foxes. I am, and I know of several others. They’re fascinating creatures, and are much cooler than greasy, ugly, mean humans. Great drawing, I’d love to see it finished.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Hi KF,

    Thanks :D T

    he finished painting is in this post: The colors are not as nice as the original, but you can kinda tell what I did with it.

  5. kay fox says:

    love your pic i m also an artist i might be 10 but i m very talinted thow says my friends and family i m doing a project on foxs and came acrose your site so i thote i should tell you about me soooo…bye!

  6. makayla says:

    hey i love this pic!!!!!!!!!! i copyed it done and yuesed it for my science

  7. Elizabeth Haddock says:

    amazing!!!!!! Rally love it! I am an artist and am inspired by your work. :)