Swan Painting – Inital Sketch



This is the inital pencil sketch for a new swan painting — the piece is about 30×40 or so.  The watercolor painting has been completed and sent to a gallery exhibition. Rebecca Latham | Wildlife Artist


Latham Studios | Wildlife Art 

7 Responses to “Swan Painting – Inital Sketch”

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  1. Kid says:

    hey i think your sketches are fantastic! it’s so inspiring! :)

  2. chisana says:

    i just came here looking for some things for my hw and i saw this drawing… it is AMAZING! keep it up!

  3. Rebecca says:

    Hi Kid & Chisana – Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting. :D

    I’m glad you like the sketches.



  4. rajnish says:

    hi mam
    i m rajnish from india if u dont mind coud u give me some tips regarding swan paintings.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Hi Rajnish,

    Tips… well,

    Observe them…taking lots of photos, sketching, etc.
    Practice painting/drawing them.
    If you are painting the white species, observe all of the colors and light that is reflected in the white feathers.
    Don’t forget the habitat – adds a lot to the painting, too :D

    Hope that helps you out…

  6. Asten says:

    Your sketches amazing.
    Im 14 years old and i am totally inspired by them!
    I love too sketch too and aspire too be as good as you!

  7. Zinnia says:

    Hi Rebecca :D

    You are soo good at art :)
    Your my favourte artist :D

    Thaanks for all the sketches youve done :)


    Zinnia :D