This is a little wolf puppy sketch that I am painting. He was very cute . He became very interested in eating the log (and then spitting out the not-so-tasty pieces of wood) while I was studying and photographing him. The painting is about 8×10.
u a artist
He is SOOO cute
Wow. That is a really good and CUTE drawing. =3
what a cute pup it looks like its real let us know when the painting is done. us is me and my bro
so cute teach me
radical !!!
these are sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and these are some awsome picts.
Thanks everyone! :D
Um, the painting is done…but it could be that I forgot to post the finished piece (that does happen sometimes). I’ll have to dig around and see if I can find a scan of the painting. :D
I just had another photoshoot with baby wolves… so planning more paintings. :D (check out my Flickr page to see one of them that I got to cuddle with… :D)
hiiy x
woww x you can draw girl! x
Thank you, Cora. :D
WOW! its soo cute~~~
i reeaally admire yur drawings an paintings alot im a native from six nations an there is so much about yur drawings i love hope to see alot more
wow. you are so lucky to have such a talent! I also draw, but im not that good yet! =) Keep drawing!
It is really good and realiable drawing.
Wow! I love to draw too! Have any tips? =D
it so cute but how do draw it?
awww that pup is soooooo dame cute!!!!!!!!!