Miniature Painting?

This is a little different post for me… 

Years ago I learned that the way I painted my artwork (and the way my family paints) was painting "in miniature" and in a similar way that traditional miniature painters execute their work.  Because it is so directly related to the way that my family and I paint, I (and others in my family) have done quite a bit of study of miniature art and it’s history, thanks to encouragement of some of my friends.  I’ve written a brief article on the miniature based on conversations I have had and research of the subject that some of you may find interesting that can be read here.

For myself and my work, I’ve found that how miniatures were painted as well as various things that have influenced the art to be very interesting.  And, as I posted earlier, I have been using various traditional surfaces (or also referred to as ‘grounds’ :) ) in my more recent paintings because of my studies.  I believe it has stretched me a bit as an artist. :)

(Artwork pictured by miniature artist Nicholas Hilliard – 1547-1619)