Putting In the Details – Timberwolf Watercolor

16"x20" miniature painting of a timberwolf in watercolor by Rebecca Latham.

This is a new piece that I just started on a day or so ago, still in the sepia stage of painting in the essence of texture and shapes.   It’s a watercolor painting (done in miniature of course :D)  features a timberwolf and will be 16″ x 20″.

I have been wanting to start a painting of a fur bearing subject in a slightly larger format for a little bit now.  …just something about painting large areas of fur and all ot the textures and depth involved…very fun!  (I have another wolf piece that is a bit smaller, a 9×12, that I just began working on yesterday for an upcoming deadline as well.  …posting that soon as well.)

6 Responses to “Putting In the Details – Timberwolf Watercolor”

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  1. You have been a very busy artist with all the new paintings you are posting!!! I am continually amazed at the amount of detail and realism you accomplish in each of your miniatures… what a spectacular gift you have in "seeing" and then "creating" in watercolor!!! I love coming here to visit. You are a great inspiration. :-)

  2. Emily says:

    That is sooo amazing! Your work inspires me alot. Do you have any tips for a young drawer?

    • Thank you, Emily! Well, I'll post what I mentioned to someone earlier today:

      Practice a lot. Ask for advice from artists you know or meet that you respect (get critiques). Take classes if possible. Observe your subjects as much as possible (also draw from life and/or take good reference photos as much as you can). ….hope that helps!

  3. james says:

    what is your favorite animal to draw and why?