Cheering the Studio – Wolf Puppies, etc.

Living in the land of 10,000 frozen lakes, I spend quite a bit of time painting in my studio in the winters.  But lately, it seems to be especially gloomy.  So, as I twittered earlier this week, I started on a new cheery, sunny painting of wolf puppies to brighten up my studio.  (When the snow isn’t scheduled to melt for at least several months, we do what we can.. ;) )

This is a detail scan of one of the wolf puppies in the new painting (sepia stage of painting).  I loved the expression.  I spent several hours with their litter – watching them run and play until they wore themselves out and were ready for naps.  ..and I was lucky enough to hold one of them for a bit too.  The puppy painting has just a little more to go before it’s completed… mostly grass-work left to do.

In addition to the spring puppies, I have a collection of spring flowers that should be fit to leave the easel very soon.  So more to come!

2 Responses to “Cheering the Studio – Wolf Puppies, etc.”

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  1. christine says:

    You are so blessed. I thank you for sharing your talent. It is so inspiring.


  1. […] is the progress on the little wolf puppy painting (9×12, watercolor on board).  It should be finishing up soon. Like Unlike If you enjoyed […]