Rabbit Visitors

 Rabbit in the Moss, Sepia watercolor on board, 5in x 7in, ©Rebecca Latham

I’m frequently visited by several little rabbits, most often in the mornings.  It lights up my day a bit to see a little furry visitors as I grab a cup of coffee and peek out the window before heading back to the studio.  ..and sometimes, if I’m lucky and they are patient with me, I manage to snatch some reference material to paint them.  This was one of those moments…


I’ve included both the sepia and final full color versions of the painting for comparison.  the moss was especially fun.. I love painting the earthy colors with so much texture.  I may have had more fun on the background in this piece than the animal..

2 Responses to “Rabbit Visitors”

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  1. It’s a beautiful painting Rebecca, and I am always amazed at the amount of detail you get in such small pieces! I need to take lessons from you! :)


  2. Rebecca
    You are an amazing painter. I enjoyed visiting your site. I also paint (watercolor) nature and birds.

    I will send you an example – not up to your talent but some talent for an untrained artist. Keep up your excellent work.