Finishing Swan Paintings

New Mute Swan PaintingI am just about finished with my large 24×36 swan painting. It certainly feels like quite an accomplishment when a large painting is finished. I can often finish miniature paintings in a day or two, but a very large piece will take at least a week to finish, maybe longer — more background in a piece will take longer to paint as well. Now that this larger piece is complete, I can begin working on paintings that have been requested by other galleries. Some of these pieces are specific subjects, some are requested by size, and others have no preference — just more work. :) It is so encouraging to have such interest for new paintings — I know that not all artists have this luxury. I am very thankful to have so much support. One new gallery in particular has requested a new collection of a large number of traditional miniature paintings for an exhibition they’re planning — some from each of my family members. After painting so many larger paintings, some smaller studies & miniatures sound delightful. :) I think any artist’s primary goal in painting is to make an impact with their work. I value the buying public’s opinion primarily, being that I make my living on my artwork, but I also believe there is merit in the opinion of those in the field of art. I (and my family — Karen & Bonnie were also included in this review) was very flattered recently to be reviewed as a "master of miniature painting". Thanks!! :)

6 Responses to “Finishing Swan Paintings”

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  1. coco says:

    your drawing and painting have come to life i love them very much, i am a artist as well but i am only ten years old from coco

  2. Rebecca says:

    Hi Coco – Thanks so much! I really appreciate you dropping by and posting your thoughts. :D

    Best wishes for your artwork! :D


  3. DJ says:

    HI rebecca,

    I absolutely love your paintings. To paint a bird as beautiful as the swan is one thing, but to paint it as beautifully as these is another achievement in itself. My best wishes to you.


  4. Thank you so much, DJ. :D …I really appreciate that.



  5. Richard Radeka says:


    My wife has been looking for a large oil or water color painting of two swans. She thought the one on your web site was great. Do you do consingment work? She is looking for a 24″ x 36″ or larger of two swans in the water. One of them possibly pruning or some other activity.

    If so, what would the approximate cost be if you framed the painting. We like the artist to frame their work….we have no talent.

    Thanks, Dick Radeka
    Other then the traffic, Austin is a great place; I have a daughter in Austin and my wifes brother-in-laws live there also.

  6. Rebecca says:

    @Dick – Thank you! I sent you an email.

    I have been in the Austin area a little bit. I have a gallery in Fredericksburg (Whistle Pik Galleries) that represents my family and I in the area. I had the chance to visit last year for the contemporary miniature show that the have and really loved the area. …was a quick trip, though. I hear it is a little bit hot in the summers. :)
