Wolf Sketching

Rough sketch for Rebecca Latham's new Timberwolf painting.

There has been some interest in my wolf sketches on the blog – requesting a few more posts featuring them.  This sketch is the rough for a new painting I will be starting on soon. Rebecca Latham | Wildlife Artist

Latham Studios | Wildlife Art

11 Responses to “Wolf Sketching”

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  1. bernedogg says:

    I really like your sketches. The detail is extrodinary.

  2. bernedogg says:

    I really like your sketches. I especially like the sketch of the wolf pup chewing the log.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Thank you :D

    I really appreciate you leaving your comments, Bernedogg. Working in detail, in miniature, is just very fascinating for me. It captures what I recall from my experiences seeing the subject and brings it to life for me. …something that I have to do. ;)



  4. Krush says:

    this wolf is sooooooooo adorable i could reach out and hug him!!!

  5. Rebecca says:

    @Krush – Some wolves you wouldn’t want to hug…but this one would have tolerated it. ;) Thx.

  6. luigi says:

    Thats a really good sketch its just what im looking for in a tattoo. im after a wolf sketch wich keeps with my Lupa Capitolina italian theme.

  7. Geo Hunt says:

    OMG Miss Rebecca your art work is amazing . I truly believe the qoute A picture can say a thousand words especially with your amazing art . I love sketching things that inspire me and your sketches are more than inspiring for me . Way to go and keep up at it !!! :-)

  8. Geo Hunt says:

    Could you plz e-mail me your work plz . i want to practice sketching and yours is the best to practice on. my e-mail is geo_hunt at hotmail.com .

  9. Isabelle says:

    OMG! You are the most talented artist ever! I have some questions:
    1. What kind of drawings did you start out with?
    2. When did you realize you had this wonderful skill?

  10. artlover says:

    how do u manage such extrordinary d-tail?<3 u

  11. Pranav says:

    I LoVE IT and i am one of your biggest fanns