Birds in Art

My family and I went to the Birds in Art exhibit this past weekend in Wausau, Wisconsin - had a wonderful time. :)

My family and I went to the Birds in Art exhibit this past weekend in Wausau, Wisconsin – had a wonderful time. :)

My Mom’s painting "Fluff and Fold" was in the show.  (…very proud of her. :) )  During much of the exhibit, the artists are asked to stay near where their artwork is hung in the galleries, but I did escape a little bit to roam the exhibition. :)

Carl Brenders, as many of my blog visitors already know, is one of  the artists that I’ve had the opportunity to study with in the workshops I’ve taken in my training to be an artist.  Of all of the instructors I’ve had, he has influenced my style and approach to painting the most.  This weekend at the Birds in Art opening, Carl’s work was hanging just across from my Mom’s – so we chatted a bit with him during part of the events.  He went through his new book for us, page by page, discussing his pieces that are published in it in depth.

I have said this before, but I have had so much encouragement and support from many wonderful people.  I wouldn’t be the artist I am if they hadn’t taken the time.  I can’t put into words how much they have helped me. :D Rebecca Latham | Wildlife Artist

Latham Studios | Wildlife Art

2 Responses to “Birds in Art”

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  1. sue says:

    I believe that this same exhibit was at the Gilcrease in Tulsa Ok two years ago now and it was awesome. So pleased that you were able to see this display. Sue


  1. […] Since we were already going to be in the area, he insisted that we attend when we talked to him in Wausau (he didn’t have to insist too much to convince us to come ).  A little bit of a […]