
Sorry everyone, this isn’t an ‘art post’. :?

Many technical difficulties over several days :( …  Lathamstudios.com went down (including this blog) complete with my/our email accounts.  If you sent an email recently and haven’t received an answer to it, it may still be floating around in cyberspace :? – feel free to send another.  Thankfully, after a lengthy call to Paris (yes, Paris, France…thank Heaven for bilingual Frenchmen!!), many emails, and non-English webpages, everything is back to normal.  (er, knock on wood…)

Many thanks for your patience. :) I really appreciate all of the wonderful support and kind words from all of you – my subscribers and blog visitors.  You are just fabulous!!!!!! :D

— Rebecca :)

2 Responses to “Oops.”

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  1. Cindy Haase says:

    So glad you are back online! I wondered what happened to the Latham “girls”. I love to live vicariously through your adventures.
    I’m such an indoor girl…but I so admire wildlife lovers.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Hi Cindy,

    Thanks! Glad to be online.

    I do drop off the face of the Earth periodically. ;) (…those darned deadlines will do that to you…) lol!

    I end up being inside more than I would like… I’m more of a studio painter than a plein aire artist, so I peek out of my window into the woods to see what I’m missing. …and then try to escape regularly if I can. ;)

    I’ve been watching your latest piece (http://cynhaase.blogspot.com/2008/03/fuego-azul.html) develop on your blog. :D – your color is inspiring!! :D

